The Bridgetonia Poetry List

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» Shine by Lionel Sharpe A.K.A Landilin»

» Impure by Lionel Sharpe A.K.A Landilin»

» Sweet Capricorn by Lionel Sharpe A.K.A Landilin
» A Biology of Love by Lionel Sharpe A.K.A Landilin»

» "The Deage's Eage" (The Days Eye) by Lionel Sharpe A.K.A Landilin»

» "A Cigarette for Today" by Lionel Sharpe A.K.A Landilin»

» "No Peace" by Lionel Sharpe A.K.A Landilin»

» "The Skies Jingle" by Lionel Sharpe A.K.A Landilin»

» "(Song)-Silver Tears" by Lionel Sharpe A.K.A Landilin»

» "Watch" by Lionel Sharpe A.K.A Landilin»

» "Pretend" by Lionel Sharpe A.K.A Landilin»

» "What is Love" by Lionel Sharpe A.K.A Landilin Written 5:44 A.M»

» "Bitter Love" by Lionel Sharpe A.K.A Landilin Written 2:59 A.M»

» "My Wants" by Lionel Sharpe A.K.A Landilin Written 10:53 PM»

» "(NRM) Nothing Really Matters" by Lionel Sharpe A.K.A Landilin»

» "What IF" by Lionel Sharpe A.K.A Landilin»

» "A Fox Named Madden" by Lionel Sharpe A.K.A Landilin»

» "Realities Motions" by Lionel Sharpe A.K.A Landilin»

» "When The Wind Goes Still" by Lionel Sharpe A.K.A Landilin»

» "My Worries and Needs" by Lionel Sharpe A.K.A Landilin written 6:40 PM»

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