
"In The Deage's Eage"

(The Days Eye)

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A coward, not from out of the hills of hatred, but behind men who scoundrel like a lost bird who not knows the travesties of great earth. I stumble upon a valley that's distorted by wyrds and warriors of wyrds, and I am lost, but found in pure bravery with confusion of what thwarts me. Do I not know myself as a man?

I am strong, strong as the flames that leap high into the heavens like a monster of darkness banished in slime, to be punished for seeking my way to freedom. My sorrows remain as weapons greeted by blackness to what I have encountered and may not take into consideration my pain, nor sorrows. Do I not know myself as a man?

The Deage's Eage watches me, a fellow, but very impatient to see freedom from terror and captivity. I have strengths and wisdom's to lead abroad the mists of my journeys. "I too, can fancy my way and breathe through my lips words of fear to slaughter comrades of pure evil into the pits of hell." Do I not know myself as a man?

I enter this valley to see that it was me; myself, listening to my inner thoughts that haunt men. I will be strong and brave and also shield my fears. "I know myself as a man."

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Written by Lionel Sharpe A.K.A Landilin 4/29/2010 Place: 41 Grove Street

Bridgeton, NJ 08302 - In Carmen Hall house my aunt.

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