A Fox Named Madden

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Madden a Fox that roamed deep in the forests of Bloonarg in Northern England.

Madden loved paths that would take him to different areas of the forest where he would meet new friends, and see nearby rivers that he would drink from.

As a young fox, Madden lived close to home with his mother and his other two brothers that he had. They had a nice life until the area was depleated by some neighboring fox hunters that killed his family and caused madden to flea away from where he used to live.

Every now and then, Madden goes to where he used to live because him and his brothers learned to hunt there and also this was thier breeding ground.

Now that Madden has gotten older, he likes to wonder the forest in search of new areas; better things to eat, rather than left over rabbit and other findings that he comes across.

Madden is a brave fox and was always brave from day one, this is why Madden has so many deiiferent animal friends in the area that he lives in.

One day Madden was wondering and came across this path that took him deep into the forest until the path branched off into a dark area with a house that had horses and picks, also chickens and little children.

Madden wondered into the forest until he got to this mystic destinantion that made him wonder if he could make this area his home.

As Madden approached this area from walking the forest for nearly three or four hours, he needed rest so there was this hole in the barn near the chickens that he slid in and rested until daylight.

Madden was terribly tired and frustrated from walking the long distance that he did and also he needed water and food.

As Madden entered the hole; he saw lots of straw that he made a bed out of and a liitle hole that let some cool air into the spacing, and this was just what Madden needed.

Madden arched his back to strecth; yawned and laid in the hole to rest.

To Be Continued......................

Created on November 16, 2017 Written by Lionel Sharpe || A.K.A Landilin at 04:19 PM

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