Week 5 Discussion
Lionel Sharpe
Professor Michael Mattingly1
Sanford Brown Online
The strength of a nation itself should be used to promote power, long with military and economic power to further the goal of universal democracy along with other important issues. The reason why is because, the United States like the position that it holds that they have with political, economic, and military strength, and we like to balance the power that is for human freedom. This will help all societies and able nations, and also help us to choose rewards of economic liberty and political challenges for themselves.
There is not one methods that is more acceptable than the other. Defending our nation from the enemy, is the main goal of the federal government. To stop the threats and defeat the purpose, we have to use our whole arsenal of military tools that we have, which is military power, law enforcement, security for the homeland, and intelligence. Therefore, by doing this, it will help all nations that need help to stop the terror that they face. For example, our nation is threatened by a network of terrorist, that cause chaos and great suffering, and nowadays terrorist are more organized than they use to be. So by us staying on top of this with economic leadership and using the whole arsenal that we have with military power, we can reach the goal of Universal Democracy.
The National Security Strategy of the United States of America. (n.d.). Retrieved September 30, 2015, from http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article2320.htm
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Created on October 04, 2015 by Lionel Sharpe || Professor Professor Michael Mattingly1 at 4:22 A.M
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