Advantages of the TCP/IP Protocol
o Can be used for connections between different computers.
o Is an open industry standard made protocol.
o Operates without any add-ons
Disadvantages of the TCP/IP Protocol
o The TCP/IP is a lot slower than the IPX.
o Has a harder to set up with an intricate management feature.
o The TCP/IP has an overhead that is much higher than that of an IPX.
Advantages of the FTP Protocol
o It's an easy way to transfer data across the web.
o Gives you more control over what you transfer from file to secret information.
o You can work on your system from a remote application and still transfer to the World Wide Web.
Disadvantages of the FTP Protocol
o It doesn't have a secure protocol.
o It has no username protection for its users.
o There is no packet sniffing for this application.
A network scenario that would be well suited for the TCP/IP Protocol would be if a new office needed IP addresses generated that were authentic. This protocol would insure that those addresses are authentic and show exactly where they are coming from.
A network scenario for the FTP Protocol, would be if a fellow client needed to be able to send files to a server via FTP and did not know how to , and he was tired of using the internal server to do this. FTP would be a faster process than doing it internally and would be able to send this information to the World Wide Web much faster than using authentic logins that are needed for a client to access the servers FTP application.
The operating systems that would support the two protocols would be Windows Server 2012 and Windows Server 2008 R2. These operating systems use these protocols for accessing and transferring information to the World Wide Web.
Created on March 23, 2015
Form (rr15a) Code:3301627005-GA
Form (rr15b) Code:3301627006-NJ