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Electoral Colleges

Written 4/02/06 by Lionel Sharpe

In the United states we are all gauranteed one vote per person. Everyone has equal voice in electing the people that serve in the governement. Every four years during the month of November citezins of America go to polls to vote for a President and a Vice-President for the United States. Am I right? Not really; they actually vote for electors that vote for our president. It makes me wonder, "Are we a Democracy?" Having the Electoral Colleges defeat it's purpose, I appose this electoral college for these three given reasons, in Election 2000 the president that lost the popular vote actually won, everyone's vote doesn't count, plus the electoral college has disrupted elections fifteen times!

First of all, I would like to bring to your attention that many votes don't get counted if you call the United States a demecrocy. The way the whole Electoral college thing works is that each state is allowed a certain number of electors (the same states number of Repersenatives plus it's Senators), who then vote for a president. The electors vote is based on the state's popular vote after the state beomes meaningless Secondly, do you agree with the election 2000? I sureley don't, I mean the president won the election. Gore recieved 500,000 more votes than Bush. But who won the election, Bush. He won all because of a policy called the Electoral College. It is a very contreversial issue. I know that many people are unhappy about this election.

I thought we were a democracy! We chose our president, not electors. Fianally the consequences go far beyond simple "fairness issues". Too many times in American history the Electoral College has defeated the purpose of democracy in our country. Since the first presidential election, there have been more than a dozen insin which somebody has been elected president withou a majority of the votes . The following are examples from how the electoral college has disrupted an election: Woodrow Wilson, Harry Truman, John F. Kennedy, Richard Nixon, Jimmy Carter, Michael Dukakis, Bill Clinton, and Goerge W. Bush. I think the best way to change this 200-year old system is to start off slow, and test out a new system in a smaller election and then, eventually, it will catch on and it will change the national policy. We are a democracy in the United States, that's why I oppose the Electoral College, everyone's vote doesn't count and the wrong president won the election 2000. How can you call United States a democracy, and the Electoral College has disrupted outcomes in more than a dozen elections.

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