The Bridgeton NJ Flood of 8-14-2011

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Sunset Lake and it's Future

We Need A Dam this will swell the riverways back up again.

What can we do to recover form this devastating flood that took our Sunset Lake, Bridgeton Zoo, The Gate Hole and parts of our city park. From this happening in this small town, our community barely has anything left to support it's recreation and fundemental learning activities, such as the Bridgeton Zoo and the Sunset Lake. In turn we are looking to get some suggestions for a project that will build a crosswalk in the middle of the Sunset Lake that will be monitored by a cop on a bike and sensor lights for the whole walk through that turn on when something moves in fron of it. I think this would be a good project to branch of a crosswalk to diiferent sections of the once water filled lake that will let the community walk to different sections and it for a picnic or social activity.

Most of the time when I ride by the Sunset Lake, I don't look at the devastation I look at the future of Sunset lake and what it has in store for it's community. This is what makes this project so interesting because many different options and changes can come form this project and may be successful if we draw an effective blueprint and analysis proposal. What we need to do is look at some different videos and draw a conclusion to a theory of how to rebuild the lake and make it inhabited with nature all over agin. A little digging a refilling of water in certain sections will bring this once inhabited and famous swim park back again.

Take a look at these videos of the devastation from the flood as it trampled through Bridgetons Cohansey River.

Video was uploaded 5/12/2013

This is a video of the devastation from the flood that took out the raceway and most of our Zoo on on 8/14/2011. Many people of our town noticed the changes from the devastation and grew worried about how we were going to game fish and swim for the coming summers. I noticed the changes and all we have to do is some grounds testing procedures and a little digging that will start water holes and eventually the holes will be inhabited by fish and other wild life, and from this the park will bring itseld back to a smaller lake for walking, sitting, picnics, parties and other outdoor activities.

Take a look at this short video shot in the raceway at the time of the flood.

Video was uploaded 5/12/2013

As you can see continuous devastation to our surrounding areas and the lake bed within the Cohansey River and the Sunset Lake

Video was uploaded 5/12/2013

All our town needs is a little tender loving care (TLC) and we can bring her back to normal. This flood was a change for a new breed of nature to form and landfills to form. In the future potholes in this lake will fill with rain water and water from the streams of the river and build itself back up into a marvelous piece of work formed by nature itself. So what we need to do is start helping this process and changing Sunset lake into a walkthrough park that uses a centered circle like platform in the middle that branches of into different walkways, that will let visitors acess different pars of the lake and surrounding areas. I look foward to the communities descisions and also I look forward to a change for Bridgeton NJ. This will be the start of something that will never stop a long as nature lives in the planet earth.

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