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First Step - Gun Control in New Jersey

By Lionel Sharpe

New Jersey has a bad ranking for guns and crime committed by guns. I think we should start a relief project that will get our communities to participate in a partnership act to take guns off the streets, and away from children. Most children in NJ are exposed to very dangerous drugs, criminals, gangs, and crime. This is what our children come home to everyday and they need something more safe and sound, more educational, and also more peaceful. I live in Bridgeton NJ and all my life I've always seen bad crimes in Bridgeton, and also I have read about gun crimes and wrongful deaths due to guns. I don't like what I saw, and I don't like what I read. What I want to see is a new playground, or a new center spring out of these very grounds here in town for these children to play in and learn educational things.

In the past years around 2005-2009 we caught a bad draft of gangs and drugs in our community, along with crime and crime related deaths. Bridgeton NJ has been tormented by different gangs and violence and hasn't changed in the last 3 years. Bridgeton has very little resources to offer its community and very little money to use for upgrades and new projects that they would aim towards the community. We need more parks and playgrounds, new educational centers and community groups that hold meetings for the community once a week. Change is what Bridgeton NJ needs and New Jersey itself. This can start by controlling guns, and starting a new path to a new Bridgeton. Once we get this act together we can build in areas where those bad roots use to dwell and clean up the past and make way for the future . In turn we will be taking our first step as a community towards change for the better.

Governor Christie

Governor Christie of NJ on Guns

Video Uploaded 5/5/2013

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