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"Earth Talk" (Earth and The Ozone Layer In 2013)
Bridgeton, NJ 08302
When will we wake up, the ozone layer is getting worse and worse each year. We have noticed her changes in the past 5 years and it has only gotten worse each year. It has begun to grow a cold climate in the summer and devastating cold in the winter. The conditions have worsened since 2005, and have begun to show very rare effects in its changes.
Hounds of weather reporters are speculating that this may only be growing for the next 10 years or so and may leave earth in a cold climate for ever. All over the internet they are talking about the Ozone Layer in 2013 and how it has changed and what type of effects are coming from its conditions. Due to massive studies and implementation of billion dollar NASA survey equipment, we can generate some effective and accurate reports on its behavior and future conditions. Right now we are studying how the weather has gotten to be cold formatted in the spring and summer and tend to stay that way till the middle of summer. Now, there's only a couple hot weeks and the rest of the winter starts in the beginning of August. The climate changes fast and has only gotten worse. Here is a helpful video for you to watch on The Earth’s Ozone Layer in 2013.INSERTED7/21/2013|| HTTP://WWW.BRIDGETONIA.X10.MX