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Finding a cure for the COVID-19 Coronavirus

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Finding a cure for the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) and how it to stop it

Published 03/23/2020 by Lionel Sharpe

For a couple of weeks now I have been studying the common causes of the COVID-19 (Coronavirus), and I have started to notice that the hotter climate areas don't have large cases for the COVID-19 (Coronavirus). Many areas of United States that are in regular climate have large cases, other than other countries without a hot climate. Puerto Rico has a small case for COVID-19, and Hawii like I have studied have small cases. In my studies I have noticed that it is the heat that will cure the COVID-19 (Coronavirus). I live In NJ and I noticed that when I used the heater when it was warm, it killed the common head cold that we all had, and also there was a news briefing that the warmer air from the summer would kill it. This brought me to one conclusion to search the hotter areas of the world and check the amounts of people infected and bam, the caeses were smaller and some were actualy cured. Here's a Youtube video about this below.

Published 3/23/2020 2:33 PM by Lionel Sharpe

Link to Video

While taking precautions for this virus and following the correct procedures, I used lots of protien to fight the sickness and it worked, using protien and taking medicine without a sickness will damper you, there will still be a little head cold as normal, from common germs but, showering is effective as administered, and staying away from those who are sick. I my studies candy also kills this virus, a heavy intake of sugar will help to fight this virus also, helping the body to fight the virus. Most viruses attack the bodies sugars and salt, so a low water intake will be an effective measure to take, in where juices and sodas with sugar will do the job. Children have a heavy sugar intake and should be given sugar in all forms on the hour, along with childrens flu medicine as prescribed on the bottles. This will keep thier sugar levels vibrant enough to fight the spread.

These are the amounts of COVID-19 cases that were found in Hawii.

This amounted to be 56 cases.

  • Kauai has 3 cases
  • O'ahu has 41 cases
  • Maui has 9 cases
  • Hawai'i has 3 cases

I come to one conclusion along with President Trumps Malaria drug testing. If we use a pill this will induce the human bodies heat to that of an unnormal state, to the point where we are warm, and sweating in our homes this will kill the virus dead. From my measures the virus cannot withstand heat; the virus does not really need a strong drug; just protiens, and normal protien intake. If we can somehow study this by taking an infected patient into a hotter climate and treating them with Trumps proposal this would impact the virus at a devastating pace, and also help to find cure overnight. Another way to fight the COVID-19 (Coronavirus), is with acids from fruits like apples, apple juice, oranges, orange juice and using these fruits at a daily intake on the hour, along with sugar and protien, no milk, no coffee, this will induce the head cold associated with the virus.

The use of common street drugs will also take a toll on the human body, so limiting the intake of common street drugs will limit the spread of the COVID-19 (Coronavirus).

The use of canned foods will help in fighting the virus, limiting the handing out and cooking for one another, because when somebody is sick with this they tend to run, not knowing this will hurt others, also, they will play healthy until they are sick and in testing for the virus. We really need to limit cooking for one another and use heated canned foods that can be administred by the United States Army. These are the cans that come inside of the vending machines, for about a $1.50, that can be given to each family per case by amount in home, if the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) spreads anymore.

Last and not least, keeping your animals inside with you, will limit the spread also. You have to think animals wander off and those who are sick, still will pet these animals and let the animals lick them in thier face. By this happening the aninmal can bring the virus into your home and spread the virus by licking the owners or other occupants within the home. Animals tend to eat trash, lick areas where humans take a leak, and poop. They also eat from trash cans where the virus could be, or blood pathogens from an infected indiviual, and this also would enable spread of the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) .

With all the fine scientist the we have in the world, we can fight this virus till the end!!

Trump Speaks on COVID-19 (Coronavirus)

Published 3/23/2020 2:33 PM by Lionel Sharpe

Link to Video


Saplakoglu, Yasemin, and Meghan Bartels. “Hawaii: Latest Updates on Coronavirus.” LiveScience, Purch, 23 Mar. 2020, 8 a.m. ET,

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